The second season of the British judicial drama Showtrial, created by Ben Richards, is set to premiere on Lionsgate Play on December 13, 2024. The inaugural season aired on BBC One in 2020 featured Tracy Ifeachor and Céline Buckens in leading roles. The new season, reimagined as an anthology with a fresh cast, originally aired between October and November 2024 for audience outside India. Notable additions include Michael Socha, Nathalie Armin, and Adeel Akhtar, bringing a compelling narrative centred on justice and morality.
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When and Where to Watch Showtrial Season 2
Showtrial Season 2 will be available for streaming in India on Lionsgate Play starting December 13, 2024. This marks its OTT debut following its earlier television broadcast in the United Kingdom.
Official Trailer and Plot of Showtrial Season 2
The trailer for the second season highlights a gripping storyline set in the aftermath of a tragic hit-and-run. Marcus Calderwood, a prominent environmental activist, names a serving police officer as his assailant in his final moments. The narrative delves into the intertwined lives of characters such as the accused officer Justin Mitchell, defence lawyer Sam Malik and prosecutor Leila Hassoun-Kenny. The season explores themes of power, accountability, and truth, offering a multifaceted view of the justice system.
Cast and Crew of Showtrial Season 2
Season 2 features Michael Socha portraying the accused officer, Justin Mitchell, alongside Nathalie Armin as Leila Hassoun-Kenny and Adeel Akhtar as Sam Malik. Their performances are expected to deliver a thought-provoking experience. Ben Richards continues to be the creative mind behind the series, ensuring a smooth transition into the anthology format.
Reception of Showtrial Season 2
The critics have praised the performances of the actors and the series currently holds an IMDb rating of 7.2 / 10.