After a theatrical release on November 22, 2024, the family drama I Want to Talk starring Abhishek Bachchan, has made its way to an OTT platform. The film, which portrays the journey of a cancer survivor, struggled at the box office, earning Rs. 1.95 crore in its first eight days. Now, it aims to find a larger audience online. Based on a true story, the film explores themes of resilience, love and human connection and is expected to resonate with viewers in a more intimate setting.
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When and Where to Watch I Want To Talk
I Want to Talk is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. As of now, viewers can rent the movie for Rs. 349. It will be made free for all Prime subscribers after a month. This offering provides an opportunity for a wider audience to experience the emotional narrative of Arjun Sen, portrayed by Abhishek Bachchan, as he navigates life with a terminal illness.
Official Trailer and Plot of I Want To Talk
The trailer of I Want to Talk highlights the emotional journey of Arjun Sen, a marketing expert whose life is upended following a cancer diagnosis. With his teenage daughter Reya by his side, the story captures their bond as they face the news of his limited time together. Directed by Shoojit Sircar, the film intertwines moments of despair and hope, reflecting the challenges and strength of familial ties.
Cast and Crew of I Want To Talk
The film features Abhishek Bachchan in the lead role as Arjun Sen, alongside Ahilya Bamroo as Reya. The cast includes Johny Lever, Jayant Kriplani and a supporting team of actors such as Dr Saivishnu Doosetty, Dr Tamanna Mohta and Nathalie Zepek. Cinematography by Avik Mukhopadhyay, editing by Chandrashekhar Prajapati and music by George Joseph contribute to the storytelling. Produced by Sheel Kumar, Ronnie Lahiri, Karan Wadhwa and Kumar Thakur, the film is a product of Rising Sun Films and Kino Works.
Reception of I Want To Talk
Despite its compelling storyline, I Want to Talk faced a lukewarm reception at the box office. Mixed reviews from audiences and critics cited both praise for its performances and criticisms of its pacing. It has an IMDb rating of 7.1 / 10.