Aju Varghese and Johny Antony’s Malayalam film Swargam is set for its digital release after a theatrical run that began on 8th November 2024. Despite a lukewarm box office performance, the film will now be available for streaming. Reports indicate that Swargam is scheduled to premiere on Manorama MAX on February 7, 2025. This family drama, which explores themes of love, faith, and togetherness, has garnered attention for its heartfelt storytelling and strong performances.
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When and Where to Watch Swargam
Swargam will be available for streaming exclusively on Manorama MAX from February 7, 2025. Viewers who missed the film in cinemas will have the opportunity to watch it online. The film’s theatrical release did not achieve significant commercial success, but its digital launch is expected to reach a wider audience.
Official Trailer and Plot of Swargam
The trailer of Swargam highlights its emotional core, depicting the journey of a family navigating life’s everyday struggles. The storyline revolves around a close-knit household where love and unity help overcome challenges. Spirituality and familial bonds are central to the narrative, reinforcing the idea that true happiness lies in relationships rather than material possessions.
Cast and Crew of Swargam
The film features Aju Varghese and Johny Antony in lead roles, with Ananya, Manju Pillai, Sijoy Varghese, and Vineeth Thattil in supporting roles. Other cast members include Lizy K. Fernandez, Sajin Cherukayil, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, and several others. Directed by Rejis Antony, Swargam has been produced under CN Global Movies by Dr Lizy K. Fernandez. The screenplay and dialogues have been penned by Rejis Antony and Rose Rejis, while cinematography has been handled by S. Saravanan. Editing has been done by Don Max.
Reception of Swargam
Swargam struggled at the box office, reportedly grossing around Rs. 1.18 crore worldwide. The film’s reception among audiences was mixed, though some praised its emotional depth and themes. It has an IMDb rating of 7.2 / 10.