Apple introduced its top-end iPad Pro models with M4 chipsets in May 2024. A new report now suggests that the Cupertino, California-based tech giant could launch two new iPad Pro models later this year. These purported tablets are expected to come with some upgrades over the current variants. The iPad Air lineup has also been tipped to see an upgrade over the existing options in 2025. Previous leaks and reports have hinted at the chipset details of the purported tablets. The possible launch timeline of Apple’s next iPad models has been leaked too.
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New iPad Pro Models Launch in 2025 (Expected)
According to a report by The Elec, Apple is expected to launch at least one new iPad Pro model in 2025. However, it is possible that both the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro variants will likely be refreshed this year. The purported iPad Pro models are expected to get “minor” upgrades over the existing OLED tablets. The design of the rumoured options is tipped to be similar to the current variants.
The report adds that the South Korean firm LX Semicon will likely supply display drivers for the purported iPad Pro this year. It is suggested that mass production for the components of the refreshed iPad Pro will start in April or May. An official launch of the tablet could take place later this year.
Notably, an earlier report suggested that new iPad models with iPadOS 18.3 will likely arrive in the market “by April if all goes to plan” alongside the rumoured iPhone SE 4 handset. The upcoming iPad versions have been tipped to support 8GB of RAM and will likely be equipped with Apple Intelligence features.
Another leak suggested that new iPad Air models with 11-inch and 13-inch display options could launch with the M3 chipset. This will be an upgrade over the existing iPad Air lineup, which runs on the M2 chipset.