Jackie Shroff will lead a gripping crime drama series, Chidiya Udd, inspired by real-life events. Crafted under the direction of Ravi Jadhav and overseen by filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, the series is based on Aabid Surti’s novel Cages. The story is set in Mumbai’s underbelly, delving into the harsh realities of the red-light district. The teaser-trailer of the show gives us a glimpse and promise of an unfiltered portrayal of survival and resilience, Chidiya Udd offers viewers an intense narrative driven by raw emotions and high stakes.
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When and Where to Watch Chidiya Udd
According to reports, Chidiya Udd is reported to be available for streaming on Amazon MX Player. The platform is available via mobile apps, the Amazon shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, and connected TVs. The official release date is yet to be announced, but anticipation is already high following the teaser drop.
Official Trailer and Plot of Chidiya Udd
A teaser unveiled the series’ gritty tone, showcasing the struggles of a young woman navigating the perils of Mumbai’s red-light district. The plot follows her journey as she faces relentless challenges in an unforgiving environment. Themes of crime, shifting alliances, and personal triumphs are explored. The series promises an uncompromising look into the darker facets of life in a city known for its contrasts.
Cast and Crew of Chidiya Udd
Veteran actor Jackie Shroff headlines the series, joined by Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, Madhur Mittal, Mayur More, and Mita Vashisht in pivotal roles. Directed by Ravi Jadhav and produced by Harman Baweja and Vicky Bahri under Baweja Studios, the series carries the creative influence of Madhur Bhandarkar. In media statements, Shroff highlighted the compelling narrative, expressing confidence in the lasting impact of the story on audiences.