CyberPowerPC India will be present at the upcoming Bengaluru Comic Con, where it will host a series of activities including a lucky draw, the company announced on Wednesday. The Indian arm of the US-based retailer will offer participating visitors a chance to win a high-end custom-built PC upon completing the required tasks. The company previously hosted a giveaway event last year at GamingCon in Mumbai, where two locally-based gamers were awarded custom PC rigs valued at over Rs. 1 lakh apiece.
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CyberPowerPC India at Bengaluru Comic Con 2025
Bengaluru Comic Con 2025 will take place at the KTPO Convention Centre in Whitefield, Bengaluru on January 18-19. To win the high-end PC, CyberPowerPC India invites attendees to take part in three challenges — 1v1 gaming, online PC- configuration building, and a game session inside a dedicated Gaming Room.
Participants will first face off in a 1v1 challenge in a first person shooter title. They will be granted access to high-performance PCs equipped with an Intel Core i7 chipset, paired with GeForce RTX 4070 Super GPU, 32GB of RAM operating at 5600 MHz, and a 1TB M.2 SSD.
The next challenge will involve participants building a PC configuration on CyberPowerPC’s configurator page using a touchscreen. They will be required to build the product within one minute to deliver a specific fps tailored to a chosen game within a budget.
According to the company, last challenge will require participants to click a photograph with a cosplayer at the CyberPowerPC India booth, follow CyberPowerPC on social media, and upload the picture by tagging the company’s handles.
Once all three activities are complete, the company will escort them to a gaming room which resembles an in-house setup to take part in a gaming session on a high-end PC. It is equipped with an Intel Ultra Core 7 CPU, GeForce RTX 4080 Super GPU, 32GB of RAM at 6000 MHz, and a 1TB M.2 SSD. All participants will receive exclusive merchandise. Upon exiting, they must drop their coupon in the lucky draw box for a chance to win the same high-end PC used in the Gaming Room setup.