The Malayalam action-drama Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, has shattered records with its theatrical success, amassing over Rs. 115 crores at the box office. Directed by Haneef Adeni, the film’s intense portrayal of violence and gripping narrative made it the first A-rated Malayalam film to surpass the Rs. 100-crore mark. Following its remarkable theatrical run, it has now set another benchmark by securing a groundbreaking OTT deal. The film’s digital rights have been acquired by Sony LIV, reportedly at the highest price ever for a Malayalam movie.
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When and Where to Watch Marco
The streaming rights for Marco have been confirmed for Sony LIV, although the exact release date has not been announced. Fans eagerly anticipating its OTT premiere may need to wait longer, as the film is scheduled for a Kannada theatrical release soon. Updates regarding the streaming date are expected to follow.
Official Trailer and Plot of Marco
The trailer of Marco promises an action-packed narrative filled with high-stakes drama and unflinching violence. The story revolves around a man’s journey of vengeance, challenging the very systems that betrayed him. With its gritty visuals and adrenaline-pumping sequences, the film has been lauded for its bold storytelling and unique approach to action-drama.
Cast and Crew of Marco
Directed by Haneef Adeni and produced by Shareef Muhammed under Cubes Entertainments, Marco features a stellar ensemble cast. Alongside Unni Mukundan, the film stars Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S. Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul, and Yukti Tareja in pivotal roles. The intense score by Ravi Basrur enhances the film’s dark and gripping atmosphere.
Reception of Marco
Marco has become a cultural phenomenon, earning acclaim for its narrative and breaking barriers for Malayalam cinema. At the box office, it grossed over Rs. 115 crores, making it a blockbuster hit. It has an IMDb rating of 7.5 / 10.