A gripping conspiracy thriller, Prime Target, has premiered on Apple TV+ with its first episode now streaming. The series follows the story of Edward Brooks, a post-graduate mathematician whose groundbreaking discovery puts him at the centre of a global conspiracy. The show, created by Steve Thompson, explores themes of cyber security, financial systems and government secrets. Viewers can access the premiere episode for free during a trial period on Apple TV+, with subsequent episodes releasing weekly.
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When and Where to Watch Prime Target
The series premiered on January 21, 2025, exclusively on Apple TV+. Episodes will be released weekly on Wednesdays, and the full season can be accessed through a subscription.
Official Trailer and Plot of Prime Target
The official trailer teases an intense and suspenseful narrative, centring on Edward Brooks, portrayed by rising star Leo Woodall. Brooks discovers a pattern within prime numbers that allows access to every computer system in the world, a revelation that could disrupt the digital landscape. As his work is targeted for destruction, Brooks finds himself drawn into a web of high-stakes danger involving global entities. The show promises a mix of intellectual intrigue and edge-of-your-seat action.
Cast and Crew of Prime Target
The lead role of Edward Brooks is played by Leo Woodall, known for his work in high-profile projects. Supporting cast members include Quintessa Swindell as Taylah Sanders, Stephen Rea as Professor James Alderman, David Morrissey as Professor Robert Mallinder, and Martha Plimpton as Jane Torres. The series is helmed by Steve Thompson, a creator known for crafting compelling narratives in the thriller genre.
Reception of Prime Target
Early reviews have been a mix of lukewarm and positive. On IMDb the show has a rating of 6.7 / 10.