Realme P3x 5G could be inching towards its launch in India. The Chinese smartphone company is yet to confirm this officially, but the colour options and RAM and storage configurations of the handset have surfaced online. The Realme P3x 5G is tipped to be available in three colour options with up to 8GB RAM and up to 256GB storage. Additionally, the handset has allegedly appeared on the Camera FV-5 database website.
Known tipster Sudhanshu Ambhore(@Sudhanshu1414), in collaboration with MySmartPrice, leaked details about Realme P3x 5G. As per the report, the handset with codename RMX3944 will be available in three RAM and storage configurations — 6GB + 128GB, 8GB + 128GB, and 8GB + 256GB.
The purported Realme P3x 5G is said to be offered in midnight blue, lunar silver, and stellar pink finishes.
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Realme P3x 5G Allegedly Appeared on the Camera FV-5 Database
Additionally, the Realme P3x 5G with model number RMX3944 has been reportedly spotted on the Camera FV5 database. As per the screenshots of the listing shared by the publication, it boasts a 1.6-megapixel primary rear camera with f/1.8 aperture. The primary camera could support manual focus. It could support long exposure shots of up to 32 seconds with an ISO range of 100-6400.
The Realme P3x is likely to debut as a close sibling of Realme P3, Realme P3 Pro and Realme P3 Ultra. The vanilla model is said to arrive in comet grey and nebula pink colour options.
The Realme P3 Pro (model number RMX5032) and Realme P3 Ultra (model number RMX5030) are expected to feature maximum 12GB of RAM and up to 256GB of onboard storage. The Realme P3 Pro is tipped to launch in India in the third week of February, while the Realme P3 Ultra may launch by the end of this month.