Reliance Jio recently unveiled voice-only plans for prepaid subscribers in India. Shortly after, the company revised the plans with lower prices and validity adjustments. The voice-only plans were launched to abide by a TRAI mandate to offer standalone special tariff vouchers (STVs) for voice calls and SMS. Now, the telecom operator has reintroduced an affordable prepaid plan at Rs. 189 after briefly discontinuing it. This plan is listed as a value offering which provides free call and SMS services alongside bundled data packs.
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Reliance Jio Reintroduces Rs. 189 Prepaid Plan in India
Reliance Jio has brought back the Rs. 189 plan for its prepaid users in India. This was first spotted by TelecomTalk. The plan is now listed in a new ‘affordable packs’ sub-category under the broader ‘value pack category. Notably, the same publication had reported the previous discontinuation of the Rs. 189 prepaid plan alongside a Rs. 479 prepaid option.
The Rs. 189 prepaid plan offers a validity of 28 days with unlimited voice calls and 300 free SMS. It is said to offer 2GB of data at an unspecified high speed after which unlimited data is available at 64Kbps. The plan also offers free JioTV, JioCinema and JioCloud subscriptions but it does not support complementary JioCinema Premium Access.
This is currently the most affordable recharge pack followed by the Rs. 199 plan which offers 18 days of validity with 1.5GB of daily data and 100 SMS/day. The telecom operator may introduce newer value plans with extended validity soon.
Notably, Jio recently introduced the Rs. 1,958 and Rs. 458 voice-only prepaid plans with 365 days and 84 days validity, respectively. The company then readjusted the prices to bring them down to Rs. 1,748 and Rs. 448, respectively. While the validity and benefits of the cheaper plan remained unchanged, the validity of the more expensive option was reduced to 336 days. All other benefits continue to be the same.