Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge could launch in the next few months, according to a report. The South Korean technology conglomerate launched the Galaxy S25 series at the Galaxy Unpacked 2025 event in San Jose, California on Wednesday. Alongside, it also debuted a new device with a thinner profile than its flagship models, bringing back its ‘Edge’ branding and giving it the moniker Galaxy S25 Edge. However, the phone was only teased and no information about its price or specifications was provided.
Now, a new report suggests that a company representative might have officially teased Galaxy S25 Edge’s launch timeline.
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Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge Launch Timeline
Citing an unnamed Samsung representative speaking at the end of the showcase, 9to5Google reports that the Galaxy S25 Slim will debut “around April”. This reasonably corroborates previously tipped launch schedules which hinted towards an April or May unveiling.
Not much is known about the device either. At Galaxy Unpacked, Samsung showcased internal components of the phone in a teaser video, suggesting the inclusion of a dual camera unit with vertically stacked lenses at the back. The Galaxy S25 Edge is said to pack a much slimmer profile than its flagship counterparts in the Galaxy S25 series.
While other specifications remain unknown, it is widely touted to be Samsung’s answer to the rumoured iPhone 17 Air, which could debut this year as part of the iPhone 17 lineup. The phone is likely to be positioned between the Galaxy S25 Plus and Galaxy S25 Ultra models in the company’s lineup.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge Specifications (Expected)
Past reports suggest that the Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge may be equipped with a 6.66-inch display, similar to the Galaxy S25+ model. The phone is said to sport a 6.4mm thin profile without the camera unit, while it may measure 8.3mm in thickness around the camera module.
For optics, it could sport a dual rear camera setup headlined by a 200-megapixel primary camera. The Galaxy S25 Edge is believed to be powered by the same Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy chipset which also powers the flagship Galaxy S25 models. It may be paired with 12GB of RAM as standard.