Vivo V50 India launch could happen very soon. While a launch date is yet to be officially confirmed by the Chinese tech brand, new leaks suggest that the latest V series smartphone will go official in India next month. The Vivo V50 is said to be powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset. It is tipped to carry up to 12GB RAM and a maximum of 512GB of onboard storage. It could be available in four colour options. The Vivo V50 is likely to arrive as a rebranded version of the Vivo S20.
Tipster Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) in association with SmartPrix claimed that the Vivo V50 will be launched in India in the third week of February. The report suggests a tentative launch date of February 18. The Vivo V50 Pro is said to land at a later date in the country.
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Vivo V50 Specifications (Expected)
Meanwhile, tipster Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) has corroborated the rumour about the February launch timeline of Vivo V50 on X. As per the post, the handset will be available in blue, grey, rose and red colourways with a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset under the hood. It is said to be available in three RAM and storage configurations — 8GB+128GB, 8GB+256GB, and 12GB+512GB.
The tipster states that the Vivo will not launch the Vivo V50 Pro model this time. The Vivo V50 is anticipated to debut as a rebranded version of the China-exclusive Vivo S20. They will have identical specifications if the Vivo V50 is indeed a rebranded device.
Specifications of the Vivo S20 include a 6.67-inch (1,260×2,800 pixels) 1.5K AMOLED screen, a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, and a dual rear camera unit, comprising a 50-megapixel main sensor. It boasts a 50-megapixel front-facing selfie camera and houses a 6,500mAh battery with support for 80W fast charging.
The Vivo S20 debuted in China in November last year with a starting price tag of CNY 2,299 (roughly Rs. 27,000).