The Telugu film Bachhala Malli, starring Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer, hit cinemas on December 20, 2024. Set in a rural backdrop, this action drama explores themes of family conflict, love, and resilience. While receiving a mixed response from audiences, the film has managed to draw attention for its emotional storyline and compelling performances. Following its theatrical run, the movie is reported for a digital release, offering viewers another chance to experience its narrative on an OTT platform.
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When and Where to Watch Bachhala Malli
According to a TheCinemaMuchatlu report, Bachhala Malli might to stream on Amazon Prime Video in January 2025. Although an official date is awaited, reports indicate that fans of Telugu cinema can expect its release on the platform soon.
Official Trailer and Plot of Bachhala Malli
The trailer of Bachhala Malli showcases a blend of action and emotional moments, hinting at the challenges faced by Malli, a young man navigating personal and familial struggles. His father’s mistake drives a wedge between them, leading to a rebellious phase in Malli’s life. As he finds love with Kaveri, played by Amritha Aiyer, the plot unravels further complexities and obstacles. The story revolves around Malli’s journey to confront these challenges and seek resolution in his fractured relationships.
Cast and Crew of Bachhala Malli
Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer headline the cast, supported by performances from Hari Teja, Rao Ramesh, Sai Kumar, Rohini, and others. Written and directed by Subbu Mangadevvi, the film is produced by Razesh Danda and Balaji Gutta under the Hasya Movies banner. Cinematography by Richard M. Nathan, editing by Chota K. Prasad, and a musical score by Vishal Chandrasekhar add depth to the production.
Reception of Bachhala Malli
Bachhala Malli has sparked discussions for its storyline and performances despite its moderate box office collection. It has an IMDb rating of 9.4 / 10.