The mystery-thriller Dangerous Waters is set to stream in Hindi, bringing its gripping tale of betrayal and survival to a wider audience. Directed by John Barr, the film features Odeya Rush, Eric Dane, and the late Ray Liotta in prominent roles. The story follows a sailing trip that takes a deadly turn, unraveling dark secrets and intense confrontations. Indian viewers can soon experience this suspenseful narrative as it becomes available on an OTT platform, making it accessible for Hindi-speaking audiences.
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When and Where to Watch Dangerous Waters
Fans can catch Dangerous Waters on Lionsgate Play starting January 3, 2025. The film will be available to Hindi-speaking audiences, offering an exciting opportunity to experience this suspense-filled tale.
Official Trailer and Plot of Dangerous Waters
The trailer for Dangerous Waters teases a thrilling narrative of betrayal and survival. Odeya Rush portrays Rose, who embarks on a sailing trip with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, Derek, played by Eric Dane. Initially, the journey seems to be a bonding experience, but unease quickly creeps in as Rose begins to sense something sinister about Derek. When a confrontation unfolds on the boat, chaos ensues, leaving Rose’s mother dead and the vessel set ablaze. Struggling to survive, Rose uncovers secrets about Derek’s past and his connection to the attackers. The tension escalates when she realises that her fight for survival may lead her face-to-face with the Captain, played by Ray Liotta, a figure tied to the harrowing events.
Cast and Crew of Dangerous Waters
The film stars Odeya Rush as Rose, Eric Dane as Derek, and Ray Liotta as the Captain. The project is helmed by John Barr, who is both the writer and director. The cast also includes a strong supporting lineup, including Saffron Burrows, Sala Baker Brian Duffy, Matt Servitto.
Reception of Dangerous Waters
Released in 2023, Dangerous Waters garnered attention for its intense storytelling and gripping performances. The movie has an IMDb rating of 5.2 / 10.