The acclaimed coming-of-age drama Girls Will Be Girls, directed by Shuchi Talati, is set for its highly anticipated OTT release. Known for its portrayal of adolescence and societal dynamics through a female-centric lens, the film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, garnering both critical and audience acclaim. Starring Kani Kusruti, Preeti Panigrahi and Kesav Binoy Kiron, this Indo-French production will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on December 18, 2024, as confirmed by official announcements.
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When and Where to Watch Girls Will Be Girls
Girls Will Be Girls will debut on Amazon Prime Video, with its streaming date slated for December 18, 2024. The OTT platform shared the announcement on its social media channels.
Official Trailer and Plot of Girls Will Be Girls
The trailer of Girls Will Be Girls hints at an emotionally charged narrative, capturing the complex relationship between a mother and daughter. The story revolves around 18-year-old Mira, played by Preeti Panigrahi, as she navigates her rebellious phase and emotional struggles. Mira’s journey runs parallel to her mother’s—portrayed by Kani Kusruti—who faces her own unrealised aspirations. The film poignantly examines themes of identity, expectations and generational differences, offering a unique perspective on adolescence.
Cast and Crew of Girls Will Be Girls
The cast includes Kani Kusruti, in the role of the mother, while Preeti Panigrahi and Kesav Binoy Kiron make their acting debut as central characters. It is directed by Shuchi Talati, with Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal serving as producers. The film also boasts an Indo-French collaboration, which has enriched its cinematic approach.
Reception of Girls Will Be Girls
Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2024, Girls Will Be Girls earned the Audience Award in the World Cinema Dramatic category. Preeti Panigrahi received the World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Acting, cementing the film’s status as a critical success. Girls Will Be Girls promises to be a compelling addition to the OTT lineup, offering viewers a thoughtful exploration of adolescence and familial ties.