The much-anticipated series Mohrey, starring actors Jaaved Jaaferi and Neeraj Kabi, is set for its digital release. The show, directed by Mukul Abhyankar, delves into Mumbai’s crime world with a gripping narrative that has generated significant excitement among fans. Mohrey promises exploration of loyalty, betrayal and long-standing rivalries. The recently released trailer has further intensified the buzz, providing a glimpse into the dynamic storyline.
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When and Where to Watch Mohrey
Mohrey will debut on Amazon MX Player, with its release date confirmed for December 6, 2024. Audiences can catch all episodes of the show exclusively on the platform.
Official Trailer and Plot of Mohrey
The trailer for Mohrey was released recently. It gives viewers an intense look at the intersecting lives of its key characters. It centres around Michael, an informant deeply enmeshed in the workings of the police force and Arjun, an undercover officer attempting to infiltrate the operations of gangster Bosco Salvador. It reveals a conflict between gangster Bosco and veteran cop Jabbar, whose long-standing feud reaches new heights. Set against the backdrop of Mumbai’s underworld, the show explores themes of power, betrayal and survival, making it an intriguing watch for fans of the genre.
Cast and Crew of Mohrey
The ensemble cast of Mohrey includes Jaaved Jaaferi as Michael, Neeraj Kabi, Gayatri Bhardwaj, Aashim Gulati, Suchitra Pillai, Pulkit Makol, Pradnya Motghare, Shailesh Datar and Amit Singh. Deepak Dhar and Rajesh Chadha produced the series, while Mukul Abhyankar headed the direction. The writing team comprises of Mukul Abhyankar, Charudatta Bhagwat and Aditya Parulekar.