Poco X7 Pro will launch in India and in select global markets on January 9 alongside the base Poco X7 handset. The company has teased the design of the upcoming smartphones and revealed key specifications of the Pro variant. Poco also announced that there will be a X7 Pro Iron Man Edition, which will be unveiled in certain regions, alongside the other two phones. This special variant is unlikely to arrive in India. It is expected to have similar features as the standard Poco X7 Pro.
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Poco X7 Pro Iron Man Edition Launch, Features
The Poco X7 Pro Iron Man Edition will launch in select global markets on January 9 at 12pm GMT (5:30pm IST), according to an X post by the company. This will happen alongside the global launch of the Poco X7 series, which includes the vanilla Poco X7 and the Poco X7 Pro. The Iron Man Edition is expected to have similar features as the standard Pro variant while sporting an Iron Man-themed design.
Tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) has shared a promotional poster of the Poco X7 Pro Iron Man Edition, which shows the design of the handset. The rear panel appears with a pattern of Iron Man’s iconic Mark LXXXV helmet placed within a circular outline resembling the Arc Reactor. The superhero’s name and the Marvel Avengers logo also appear on the panel. The handset is seen with a black middle frame with red accents on the power button and the rear camera module.
Poco X7 Pro will be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 8400-Ultra SoC. The global variant will house a 6,000mAh battery, while the Indian counterpart of the handset is set to get a slightly larger 6,500mAh battery. Both global and Indian variants will run on Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0.
The Poco X7 Pro design suggests that it will get a 50-megapixel OIS-supported dual rear camera unit. The Indian variant is confirmed to support LPDDR5x RAM and UFS 4.0 onboard storage.