Übel Blatt, a highly anticipated anime adaptation of Etorouji Shiono’s dark fantasy manga, is ready to make its debut this January as part of the Winter 2025 anime lineup. According to official information, the series will stream globally on Prime Video starting January 10, 2025. Shiono’s manga, which concluded in 2019 after a lengthy run in Square Enix’s Young Gangan magazine, is now being brought to life by Satelight and Staple Entertainment under the direction of Takashi Naoya. Fans of the original story and newcomers alike are looking forward to experiencing this intense tale of revenge and betrayal.
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When and Where to Watch Übel Blatt
The Übel Blatt anime will officially begin airing on January 10, 2025, with its worldwide streaming debut on Amazon Prime Video on the same day. New episodes will be released weekly.
Official Trailer and Plot of Übel Blatt
The plot revolves around Köinzell, a swordsman who seeks vengeance against seven so-called “heroes” who betrayed their comrades for personal glory. This dark fantasy story is set in 3968 AD, amidst an invasion by forces from Wischtech, the Land of Shadows. Viewers will follow Köinzell’s journey of justice and revenge as he confronts his former allies. A trailer, recently unveiled by Pony Canyon, introduces key characters and showcases the opening theme “Zainin,” performed by GARNiDELiA, and the ending theme “Stella,” sung by Hina Tachibana.
Cast and Crew of Übel Blatt
Yūya Hirose leads the voice cast as Köinzell, joined by Hina Tachibana as Peepi and Toshiki Masuda as Wied. Supporting roles include Kenichirō Matsuda, Kōsuke Toriumi, and Kazuhiko Inoue. Behind the scenes, Takashi Naoya directs the adaptation, with Tatsuya Takahashi overseeing the script. Character designs are handled by Kiyoshi Tateishi.